Proposition Innovation Capability Framework
Creating great solutions that your markets and customers love is something that everyone in a company wants to make happen. As a business leader in your technology firm you recognise how important this innovation and delivery capability is.
If your teams are not optimised and aligned with the right insights, the right frameworks, shared charter and whole solution delivery structures you’ll experience underperforming solutions and revenue lines, with your teams, customers and prospects identifying a clear gap between market need and solutions sold.
Based on over 20 years of hands on technology product and proposition leadership, we help businesses to build innovative and scalable whole solutions and propositions.
Our Proposition Innovation Assessment Framework is a whole solution-based approach to taking your organisations proposition innovation capability to the next level with clear benefits in terms of improved return on investment and increased solution sales.
Key Benefits
Accelerate the transition to a high-performance market centric organisation
Align technology, product, marketing and sales teams with key business outcomes
Improve the overall effectiveness and speed of market need to solution delivery cycles
Accelerate market growth and product/solution sales
How it Works
Data driven assessment of your current proposition innovation cycles
Review of current product, processes, tools and structures
Interviews with key internal and external stakeholders
Calibration of key product & go to market/sales/account management functions against industry benchmarks
Analyse organisational structure and information flows
Service Deliverables
Identify and document key process and information gaps
Determine and define role and function discrepancies
Identify optimal proposition innovation model for the organisation
Detail specific recommendations
Define a strategic and tactical plan for the organisation